Monday, April 30, 2007

A note for fellow gurls~

"Girl, believe in what you are,
And all that you have,
See all pictures from a view wider than your narrow eyes,
Never pass a judgment unless proven true,

If you believe one is yours,
Own him, Make him yours,
But if you doubt your stand,
Blame not others, for the weakness is yours to own,

Remember...that the truth isn't always sweet,
And often the thing that you refuse to believe is the bitter truth,
So trust that little voice u often ignore,
It may hurt but at least lies aren’t what you live in…"

Sunday, April 01, 2007

From my heart to yours~

Dear... a note from my heart to yours...

Cherish the gift of love that you own…

Leave her never,

Love her with all your heart,

Keep her safe & sound,

Sheltered within your warm embrace,

Take good care of her as she does of you,

And her trust you must treasure,

For her love is true,

Just for you & only you…